Q. How do you determine when students move on to the next learning objective or standard in their learning plan?
FEV Tutor employs a self-paced mastery model incorporating adaptive instructional practices. Students progress on to the next learning objective in their individualized learning plan upon demonstrating concept mastery.
Each Online Tutoring session concludes with a Daily Exit Ticket formative assessment on the Learning Objective covered during scheduled tutoring sessions. Daily Exit Ticket formative assessments are used to gauge student mastery and determine progression through their tutoring plan. Below is the rubric of how Exit Tickets are scored:
o Beginning NA
o Developing 0 - 50%
o Approaching 50 - 79%
o Ready 80 - 100%
Students who score Beginning or Developing on an Exit Ticket receive a lesson reteach on their next scheduled tutoring session and tutors use an alternative approach to teach the concept. Students who score Approaching on the Exit Ticket receive a spiraled review in their next scheduled tutoring session. And students who score Ready on their Exit Ticket progress to the next learning objective in their tutoring plan.